Lab News

@ EMBO Polarity Meeting

Just back from the EMBO Cell Polarity and Membrane Dynamics meeting @San Filiu de Guixols, Spain.  Great science, great food, great location.  A strong showing from the PolarNet PhD students and congrats to Florent for getting a talk!  …

Rukshala joins the lab!

A big welcome to Rukshala Illukkumbura, our PolarNet fellow, who joins the lab from Takashi Hiiragi’s group at EMBL.  Just managed to avoid packing up the lab...

Saying goodbye to Lincoln’s Inn Fields

After a week of packing and decontaminating our space, our LIF lab is officially closed.  Next stop Midland Road...

@ Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics

Lars and Nate just got back from 3 weeks at QBio course at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UCSB.  Thanks to all the students who enthusiastically embraced the project, to Boris & Madhav for organising and the Rothman Lab for helping our worms make the transition to their temporary environs in sunny CA!

© Goehring Lab 2014